
Install Non Steam Games on Steam Deck

gamingsteam deck

Before installing any games on Steam Deck, certain software needs to be installed first. Switch Steam Deck to desktop mode and launch the Discover (Software Center) app. Then, proceed to install the following:

  1. Lutris: Lutris is a game manager that simplifies the installation of various games, including those not natively supported by Steam.

  2. ProtonUp-Qt: Lutris comes with its own Proton (Steam’s compatibility tool for running Windows games on Linux), but some games does not work well with it. ProtonUp-Qt allows you to choose and install additional versions. Open ProtonUp-Qt, click “Add version,” select “Wine-GE” and choose “GE-Proton8-x.” I find that the latest version usually works best, but if your game is not supported, try out other versions.

Install Windows Games

Install DOS Games

A new game should appear in the Lutris Library. You can configure the game banner and add a Steam shortcut. Remember to open and close the Steam app for the changes to take effect.

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